Monday, November 1, 2010

October WrapUp

Goal Tally

October 2010
$ at grocery = 89/45 (better, but needs to be lower)
$ at restaurant = 85/80 (could be off, too low, not sure)
fast food trips = 2.5/2 (eww. sausage biscuit, chicken nuggets, french fries, hamburger, french fries)
pounds lost = 8.5/10 (sigh.)
exercise miles = 3/20 (ummm... yeah. But I actually ran one of those miles!)

Not too much to say this month.  Sorta fell off the wagon... well, I didn't really fall off, but I did get dragged behind it for a few miles.  Had a few mis-steps, but I'm learning.  I understand more about trigger foods - I don't have the discipline to have a partial bag of chips in the house or a half-eaten pizza, so I just won't have them around.  I get that screwing up a little doesn't have to turn into screwing up a lot!  I get that I feel crappy when I eat crappy.  Not just that I emotionally feel bad, but I physically feel crappy.  I don't like feeling constantly full anymore - it makes me feel heavy and sluggish, not comforted.  I like the feeling of having an empty tummy before I put something more in it.  I like waking up in the morning ready to eat breakfast and not feeling like I'm still full from the late-night snacking.  I get that I'm really not missing out that much on fast food - it doesn't taste as good as I remember it tasting.  In the end, even if I wasn't losing weight, I like what eating right does for me - the wieght loss is a greatly appreciated added benefit.  I like that a coworker commented that my jeans were looking baggy and I had already switched to the next size down!  I like that I could actually run after my dog when she escaped out the front door last week.  On to November...

Blue = daily, Green = average

November Goals - pretty much the same as October Goals.

Exercise. Move. Get up.
Drink more water.
Sleep. Start going to bed early again.
Watch the snacking -- follow the timeline.
Bonus - Discipline.  If eating crappy makes me feel crappy, why do I still eat 2 extra pieces of pizza at midnight???

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