Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 201

Breakfast (730?):  Chicken Mushroom Crepes (270) with a few almonds (50) and some green salsa.

Snack (100):  Half a Snickers Peanut Butter BCandy Bar that I bought at Target... but only half! (125)
Lunch(200):  Mediterranean Chicken (250cal) with a tiny bit of leftover spinach and juice of one lemon added.

Snack (300): Half bag of 100cal popcorn and half a serving of Cheetos (130 total)

Dinner/HappyHour (5-7):  2 Raspberry Lemon Drops (450), 3 stuffed mushrooms (150), 3 pieces flat bread (282), 1.5 avocado eggrolls (170), 1.5 pieces of Sweet Pig Mini Pizza (237)  BJ's Total = 1289
BellaBru = Rum and Coke (125), Shared Dessert (250) 

Daily Total: 2489! Sheesh... It's been forever since I went over 2000cal.  (Edit: Actually, I just checked and it was earlier this month!  BUT there have only been 4 days in the last 3 months that I was over 2000...)  Was fairly under control at BJ's... intended to share a bunch of apps and kenw I'd be over the normal 1500.  Had no intention of drinking or dessert after that, but it was ordered for me...  Still my choice to eat it and I'll moderate the rest of the week.  Will be interesting to weighin tomorrow and see how I'm affected the rest of the week.

Also worth noting... my total would be 700calories less (1789) without the alcohol.  Food for thought, hmmm?


  1. My goodness find the BEST restaurants!!!!(!) Kudos to you for staying in the 2500 cal range...this food looks ridiculously delishous...not sure I would have had that much restraint!;)

  2. Thanks Joyce! It was fun to make a dinner of the apps -- we shared a whole bunch. And it was happy hour, so everything was cheap!

  3. And I don't know how much restraint I showed, it didn't feel like much... I definitely kept eating past the point of being satisfied. However, your post reminds me that this is a HUGE improvement over past choices!
