Saturday, November 6, 2010

Weigh-In #14

Sooooo, despite the fact that this week still wasn't great in terms of eating choices (including an entire 1660cal "extra" meal Thusday night and 1.25 bags of potato chips this week - that's full size bags), I still lost two pounds.  What?!  Looking back, everything else I ate was decent, so who knows?  My overage calories totaled about a pound, so maybe I just lost 2 instead of 3 pounds.  Whatever - I'm still pretty happy.  I didn't think I was going to lose anything this week and that would have been 3 weeks of flatlining.  Those two pounds take me down to my next mini-goal!  Next goal is only nine pounds away!  I had planned to get a haircut at a nice salon at this mini-goal and it's been killing me to wait the last two weeks, but I waited!  Making the appt this afternoon.  Next goal = an iPhone!  I was going to get the phone anyways when my contract was up in October, but I decided to make it a reward for mini-goal #4, which is about half-way through the weight I want to lose.  Hopefully I'll have my phone in December!  BTW, I'm down 4 inches on my bust, 5 inches on my waist, and 5 inches on my hips!
Daily average for the week = 1990cal

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