Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 102

Breakfast (630AM): Spinach Mushroom Crepes (365) with half a grapefruit (40)

Lunch (1200PM): Curry Chicken CousCous - minus the carrots, add some drief fruit bits, pomegranate seeds, cinnamon, and nutmeg. (410)

Snack (330PM):  Fell asleep reading around 3pm, woke up at 6:15 and panicked a little.  It's almost winter, so it's dark all the time.  I didn't know if it was 6:15Am or 6:15 PM!  I wasn't quite sure if it was going to be Fri or Sat...  Did I have to get up for work??  Was it morning?  I couldn't remember eating dinner...  Finally woke up enough to figure it all out!  Too funny.  :D

Dinner (630PM):  Mom's house to pick up my dogs.  Nto intending to eat, but had just taken a turkey/rice casserole out of the oven... yum.  Pretty light (as far as casserole's go), really light on the cream of mushroom soup, white meat turkey, white rice, and celery.  Nothing else.  Ate around a cup.  Figuring 450cal.

Dessert:  Tiny portion of apple crisp with FF cool whip.  (200?)

Daily Total : 1465cal

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