Thursday, August 25, 2011


Made some stuffed peppers -- I have a lot of lentils to use (a LOT, like 9lb, leftover from party decorations, used in a mason jar with candles). I followed a recipe that was decent, but needs a fair bit of tweaking before I'll be happy with it. I'll post eventually. It was basically rice, onion, lentils, cheese and sausage stuffed in a roasted pepper. It used chicken sausage, I think I'd rather just use ground turkey. It used too much cheese and not enough veggies - I'd add mushrooms and zucchini.

I also used the leftover onion rice to make a sort of chicken burrito bowl -- I added kidney beans, corn, red pepper, salsa, diced chicken breast and jack cheese. Pretty good!

And I cooked up some bulgur I bought. I really like the grain. It's similar to quinoa in taste and texture. I'm finding that I've really adjusted to whole grains. I like the nutty taste and the chewy texture better than enriched. I portioned the bulgur into 1/2 servings (70cal) which was about 1/4cup - maybe a bit over. I ate that night with chicken in a salad. I ate Tuesday night... sauteed a chooped zucchini, chopped onion, red pepper, mushrooms, and spinach. Added the bulgur and a bit of mozarella. Served with a precooked chicken breast. YUM! and soooo much fiood with all the veggies.

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