Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 307

Breakfast (800):  2 "Cheese" Blitzes (280) from Trader Joes.  These are an attempt to recreate the BMD Berry Crepe meal.  I added some frozen fruit (20) (no sweetner) and a veggie sausage (80).  The blitzes are made entirely with Tofutti cream cheese.  They are pretty good, but definitely miss the tang of the cheese crepes.  The crepe itself it very good and the filling is decent but slightly bland.  Overall reasonably successful and certainly easy.  Total 380.  A bit high for a meal that's not super filling, but not bad.
Pic of the crepe itself next time!

Snack (1100) - yogurt with almonds (200)

Snack (1145) - small piece of moms coffee cake (100)

Snack (1245) - 1 Reese's PB CUp (80)

Lunch (245-300) - My chicken with lentils and green beans (340)

Snack - 2nd PB cup (80)

Dinner (500) - 2 Lean Cuisine Spring Rolls (160) in a salad with lettuce, 1/3 of a tomato, pea sprouts, FF sour cream, 40 cal of avocado

(600) - Ice Cream (135)

(630) - Tortilla Chips (180)

I realized that the "snacks" were going to become my dinner when I kept eating, grawr!  Meeting from 7-9 and gym from 930 - 1015 kept me from snacking more. 

1030 - Hummus taco with tortilla, lettuce, cuke, tomato, pea sprouts. (100)
Daily TOtal - 1715
930 - Did circuit on weight machines and jog/walked 2.75mi in around 35 minutes.  Rougher today since I haven't been jogging for the last 10 days,especially on the shins/calves, but I did get to a good place at the 20 minute mark and I jogged @ 5.5mph for 7 minutes straight without walking.  That's a new PR, previous best was 5 minutes!


  1. Oh Jen that breakfast looks simply DEVINE!:D Glad to see your hanging in there making good choices.:)

  2. Thanks Joyful!!! It turned out to be a pretty good approximation.
    And thanks for stopping by... it's been a rough couple of weeks. I decided today to put myself back on a schedule for when I can eat -- waiting a specified number of hours between meals and snacks. It worked well when I first started out and I need to get back into gear and nip the snacking out!
    Hope things are going well with you!
