Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 228

Got up early and walked for exercise, not just rambling around.  Walked about 1.6 miles.  Then another 2.4 spread over the morning.  I did notice that the amount of walking this weekend didn't kill me like it might normally.  In fact, I really wasn't much tired or sore/stiff at all.  Felt totally fine walking this morn, would have walked farther, but ran out of time.  The 10 miles over the last two days weren't strenuous or anything, but it was still 10 miles...

Breakfast - Sesame Bagel with 1 oz peanutbutter and a banana.

Snack - 1 piece of thin crust pizza

Lunch - Not much to choose from at the airport -- the prepackaged salads and sandwiches had a lot of high calorie add ons, so I just ate at McDonalds... :D  I had a single cheeseburger and I shared a medium french fry.  First time since last August.  It was good, but not amazing...  I can live without.

Dinner - ??? cant remember  I think a small serving of pasta baked iwth spinach and tomato sauce...

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