Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 343

Brunch with friends (1000) - Got a tofu scramble with tomato, spinach, broccoli and goat cheese.  Came with a side of potatoes.  I've never gotten a tofu scramble before and I liked it a lot.  I'm not a huge fan of eggs, and I do like tofu, so this really worked for me. There was virtually no oil in the scramble and very little oil/browning on the potatoes.  So, while there was too much goat cheese (should have asked for it on the side) and too much potato, it was still pretty wholesome.  I'd guess the potatoes at 350 and the scramble at 250?  Also had a crumpet (80) with jam (30), but I forgot to ask for it dry (add 50).  I can NEVER remember to do that -- mainly because it's rare that I order out breakfast and it usually doesnt come with toast.  Not great and I shouldn't have eaten all the potatoes, but not terrible and it counts for breakfast and lunch. 

Snack (400): Carrots and hummus (100)

Snack (530): Choc covered almonds (100)

Dinner (630): Chicken breast with onion casserole and broccoli (380)  I really like the onion casserole!  Little bit of rice and the flavor goes really well with the chicken.

Why oh why did I stop going to the gym?!?  It was brutal tonight!  Had to switch to lighter weights for hammer curls for the second set (though to be fair the 15lb were a bit heavy before too).  Pushups were still decent since I did those a few times over the two weeks,  The cardio though?  Sheesh.  I went from jogging two miles straight to barely being able to do a half mile.  Though I did just break for like 20 seconds then jogged a full mile - sorta in the zone.  And the elliptical?  I did 30 minutes last time, but thought I'd die after 5 tonight, though I forced myself through 16:30.  Ugh.  Should come back pretty quick though.  I don't feel dead after.  I just need to remember this the next time I start feeling lazy and tired of being on track all the time.  It's not worth the set-back.  Lost effort in the gym and gained weight from poor eating.  I didn't completely fall apart -- no fast food, nothing really bad.  No soda even though it's all over my parents house.  More crackers, bread, cheese and chips than necessary though.  And bigger quantities of everything.  Reverted to grazing without really eating "meals".  No good.   Plus, I felt sluggish and icky during too.  Why do I have to learn everything the hard way and how do I learn to remember it for next time???

Late night cleaning:  Cherries (100)

Hummus taco (100)

Choc covered almonds (100)  I never know when to stop... :(

Daily Total (1640)

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