Sunday, February 6, 2011

Weigh In

This week was MUCH tougher than last week.  Last week was a breeze; most days I was at 1300 at the end of the day and was not hungry at all during.  This week, I was hungry ALL the time.  Not sure what the factors are... could be the time of the month?  Or could be that eating less last week threw me off?  Or could be that eating so differently over the weekend threw me off?  No idea, but I was much more into carbs this week.  Much less able to control what I ate (one night dinner was 5 biscuits!).  And the happy hour on Friday just capped it all off!  Despite the difficulty, I never fully gave up.  Friday night was close, and I felt a bit of "whatever, this week is already screwed anyways."  But even then, I shared apps with others, only ate one taco off the dinner (took the taco, rice, beans home), and ate only 5-6 tortilla chips.  I guess it's progress that even when I felt like I was throwing in the towel, I still had some restraint.  It wasn't a total binge.  On the plus side, I did some shopping in the non-plus sections this week.  Mainly because the plus-section stuff was all too big - they were out of 16s.  I'm hitting that in between zone where it's tough to find small women's and/or big misses', but I'm okay with that difficulty!  Also had some nice compliments from friends I hadn't seen in awhile on Friday.  So, all in all a crappy eating week topped off by a couple of non-scale victories that reminded me that I have made progress and I just need to focus this week!  Oh, and the weigh-in?  I weighed in at 232.5 this morning, up 2 lb from last week.


  1. Hey there! I really don't think you had as "off week" as you think. You kinda do what I do (alcohol excluded) and had a cheat meal! You'll be done with 2lbs in a couple may even drop to an all-time low. I always always do after my cheat meal.. Glad to see your hanging in there. I KNOW you can DO THIS!

    ***where's the PUMPKIN MUFFINS??? They may have prevented this tragedy..haha!***

  2. Yeah, I think you're right, but I "over-cheated"! I was up to 235 on Saturday morning and back down to 230.5 on Monday morn. So, it did drop off quickly, but I over shot it. The "whoosh" just brought me back to normal! Oh well, ultimately no real change from a week ago in terms of weight...
